Using cleaning products is essential to maintain a healthy environment at home and at the working place. Still, these products can contain extremely dangerous substances that can harm the natural environment and produce respiratory irritation, damage the skin, eyes and cause many other health issues.

 What is more, the ingredients contained in these cleaning products that leave surfaces spotless, are toxic for humans and nature and expose us to high risks of getting sick. For instance, some of the most frequent components used for in the composition of cleaning products are ethoxylates and alkylphenol. They have been studied in the laboratory and it has been proven that they’re quite dangerous, especially for the wildlife. In addition, the cleaning industry currently uses around 2.8 million exposed janitors who deal with these products on a daily basis. Likewise, to these are added regular people who use products at home. This means that a large number of people have contact with dangerous substances that might put their health is in danger.

 The solution would be to opt for less hazardous products that endanger neither the environment nor its users. Fortunately, there are available on the market several cleaning products that are biodegradable, have a low volatile organic content, low toxicity levels and reduced packaging. Using them you can make a step forward to improve the air quality, reduce water pollution and ensure a safer environment for the people who have contact with these products. Likewise, they are just as efficient cleaners as regular chemical products. Furthermore, when purchasing a certain products you should consider its performance, the availability, its price, the regulatory requirements as well as the environmental impact. Purchasers should be very attentive to see if it is environmentally friendly or eco-safe. They can even ask the vendors about the offered green products and in what way they protect the environment.

 It is important to find out if the manufacturers have carried out life cycle studies on the products they offer. If this kind of data is not available, make the decision based on available information. Consider the organization’s priorities and policies. Overall, you should not disregard the importance of cleaning products. They play a relatively important role is our lives, since they are used extremely frequently at work and at home. If the products you choose contain dangerous substances and are not ecological, they will not only harm the nature, but also endanger our health.

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