Ten years ago, there were only several manufacturers that were producing green cleaning products. Still, throughout the years this industry has developed slowly, but surely as more and more people became aware of the importance of having an eco-friendly lifestyle.

 Ironically enough, most chemical manufacturers have come up with a line of products that is approved by an environmentalist organization or has a Green Seal certificate. Among the first eco- cleansers introduced in the market were all-purpose cleaners and window cleaners. However, they diversified quickly and now, among the most frequent cleansers that can be found on the market are: 

• Furniture polishes

• Grout cleaners

• Graffiti removers

• Leather and upholstery cleaners

• Oven cleaners

• Odor removers

• Enzymatic cleaners

• Dish soaps

• Automotive cleaners

 In addition, many of you may be wondering what really makes a product green. Well, while most cleaning professionals have heard the term “environmentally preferable” or “green certified” few could actually define what it means. The term was introduced for the first time in 1990 by the President Bill Clinton when he issued several mandates that were requiring eco-friendly products to be used in all facilities and institutions all over the world. His followers continued the trend, and it became more and more widespread.

 For example, in 2009 President Barack Obama instituted the Executive order 13514 which was requiring the use of green products that would contain only non-ozone depleting and non-toxic substances in all federal facilities. These days, a Green Seal certificate has to be found on all products used for building maintenance and services. This is basically a tool that assures everyone that the products used are entirely safe and do not present a threat to the humans’ health or the environment.

 Furthermore, by using certificate eco-friendly products for maintenance and services, cleaning professionals meet the requests imposed by the Executive Orders presented earlier. Still, there are many more implications to the cleaning industry than meets the eye. More recently, products have to be certified under the GS-53 in order to be 100% safe for the user. This way, the number of injuries that usually appeared will be reduced. Likewise, through these certificates the buyers are enabled to make the right decision when purchasing a certain product and they will be able to make sure that a certain cleanser is not dangerous for the health and will not damage the environment.

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