Marble was used for furnishings and floors for centuries. In the past, only wealthy people could afford to decorate their homes in marble. Nowadays, it’s way more accessible and can be used by average homeowners as well. Marble looks great on any type of surface, but it requires extensive care. It has a porous surface that attracts stains, plus its softness is vulnerable to abrasions and scratches. Moreover, light marble that enters in contact with chemical preparations can easily be discolored. If you want your marble to always look good, you need to offer it daily maintenance. A great cleaning can be offered by natural and simple solutions. They’re safe and gentle.
In order to clean your marble the natural way, you need vegetable dish soap or castile soap, clean water, a string mop or a cotton cloth and a micro fiber dust mop. To begin with, use the micro fiber duster or the dust mop to dust the marble counters or sweep the marble floors. Perform this action on a daily basis to prevent dirt build – up. The Landmarks Conservancy in New York has declared that this is the cheapest and simplest method to keep the marble shiny and clean.
Another way to keep your marble surface clean is to remove spills as soon as they’re formed. Thus, they won’t be able to enter the stone and leave durable stains behind. Additionally, you have to mop or wash your marble floors on a regular basis. Use a string mop or a cotton cloth and warm water for this. Use a small amount of water and wring the mop or cloth thoroughly before using it. Eliminate the residues by drying the marble after you wash it.
For a thorough cleaning, you must make a mixture of warm water (a quart) and vegetable dish soap or castile soap (a tablespoon). Remove the dirt by using a mop or a cloth. Rinse with clean warm water and dry right away. Finally, buff and hone your marble by using wool. This professional method will maintain the stain – resisting capabilities and the luster. You can perform this action on a monthly basis. If the surface is worn out, then you can polish the marble on a weekly basis.
In case you deal with tough stains such as salt or rust, it’s always better to call on a professional cleaning company. Additionally, stay away from using acidic solutions like vinegar on your marble surfaces. Also, make sure to never scour or scrape the marble.